Author: Jerry

Updated June 26, 2020 Speed is Essential A few years ago, many people weren’t watching IP-based television and movies, though the recent growth of Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and other entertainment video streaming providers has grown at an incredible pace.  This is forced the spread of high speed infrastructure (cable and fiber internet mostly). Online gaming, […]

UPDATED  December 11, 2017   Testimonials Drive Sales This post shares some places to get testimonials published, how to handle testimonials, and what testimonials are essential to your business success.   90% of people reported that positive reviews make them likelier to buy, while 86% said that negative ones make them likelier to look elsewhere.   […]

UPDATED December 8, 2017 Small business owners understand, more than any other industry segment, the importance of organic search rankings and the traffic it can bring to a site – because those convert into sales at an extremely good rate.  Hosting plays a big part of search results, though not many fully understand exactly why.  […]

Unplanned outages cost the average data center $8851 per minute. That is an expensive minute. Given how huge that number already is, you don’t want the situation to become even more expensive because your customers don’t feel that they are in the loop. Acting quickly and getting out a careful, conscientious, and informative email to […]