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What is the difference between MyISAM and InnoDB?

Category: Getting Started
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When you create a table in MySQL, or MariaDB, you can choose a storage engine. The storage engine is the way the table data is stored in files or sometimes memory. There exist several different storage engines, but the most commonly used ones are MyISAM and InnoDB, each of which are the default storage engine in different MySQL […]

Creating MySQL Backups and Importing them via Command Line

Category: Getting Started
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Importing and dumping backups from command line is more efficient than using a GUI like phpMyAdmin. Command line queries for MySQL don’t follow any PHP limits, so importing or exporting MySQL backups is easier and it’s very unlikely that you’ll run into any errors that phpMyAdmin may. Dumping a MySQL database, explained The mysqldump command writes a plain text […]

.htaccess redirects and rewrite rules

Requirements: This requires the mod_rewrite module in apache. This is enabled by default on all KnownHost systems. .htaccess files can be used in a website’s document root directory (ex. /home/user/public_html/) for redirecting web site visitors from one document within your web site to another. .htaccess rules are recursive meaning that rules written in /home/user/public_html/.htaccess will apply […]

How can I make a phpinfo file?

Occasionally, while troubleshooting issues with a site, it can be useful to see all in one place all the current configuration for php affecting a particular folder or file. This can be done with the php function phpinfo. Among other things, this function can tell you the currently loaded php modules, the currently loaded php settings, […]

KnownHost offers a wide selection of dedicated hosting plans designed to fit varying needs, depending on your budget, expected resource demands and desire for included server management (and whether or not you need root access). If you’ve found Reseller Hosting resources to be less than you need, but enjoy having full server management, the next […]

Load Averages, what are they?

In this article we’ll be going over the server metric ‘Load Averages’ that you may see within WHM, cPanel Server Stats, DirectAdmin Server Stats and programs such as uptime or top. Being aware of this value and what it should and shouldn’t be within your server is important. It will help protect yourself and your hardware from unnecessary […]

If you wish to ensure no changes are being made to websites during a migration, it is best to consider preventing updates on your website and setup some form of maintenance or offline mode. Many CMS applications offer this functionality through use of plugins or a .maintenance file in the document root. By placing the website in […]

Preparing for Migrations

Whether you are just joining KnownHost and migrating from an outside hosting provider, or need to purchase a new server at KnownHost and move accounts within our network, our staff is ready to assist with migrations. Please see our Migration Assistance page for more information on the types of migrations we offer. It is helpful to prepare […]