Is WordPress Hosting Worth It?

Updated September 29, 2020

What You Get With WordPress Hosting

At KnownHost, WordPress hosting has been created from the ground up to provide you with a fully optimized, high-performance hosting experience that’s loaded with useful features that have real value.

Find out about what makes our WordPress hosting a great value and why it’s an ideal selection for your website.

Plans Key Specifications

KnownHost offers 2 different WordPress hosting options, each with the core platform features and only differing by storage available, number of monthly visitors allowed and price per month.

Managed Entry Level WP

       – 50GB SSD storage
       – Unlimited email
       – Unlimited bandwidth
       – 1 website up to 100k visits per month
       – $5.98 per month

Managed Business Level WP

       – 100GB SSD storage
       – Unlimited email
       – Unlimited bandwidth
       – 1 website up to 200k visits per month
       – $9.98 per month

WordPress Hosting Features

KnownHost WordPress hosting is a cloud-based solution that has been built from scratch specifically for WordPress site owners. Combining outstanding managed services, high-spec hardware and premium networking, WordPress hosting is ultra high-performance web hosting that’s streamlined for easy management and loaded with much-needed features (at no added cost).

Hosting optimized for WordPress means modest monthly costs, fast page speeds and top notch management plus support. Features include…

1. Fully Managed

24x7x365 Server Management Team

Configuration, update management, reinstalls, backup management plus many other server-side technical functions are all included at no added monthly cost.

Free, Instant Setup

Setup is automated and instant from the moment your order is placed. There are no costs associated with account setup – it’s quick and easy – with details in your inbox instantly.

Free Migrations

If you’ve already got a WordPress site elsewhere, all you need to do is request migration assistance to get moved onto KnownHost servers and it’ll be handled for you – at no cost.

Free SSL

Although you can pay for a premium SSL certificate, it’s not a necessity, since WordPress hosting at KnownHost includes a free basic SSL certificate that will work perfectly.

2. High-Performance


Very stable. Very fast. Able to handle more accounts in less space. CloudLinux was created to provide quick-loading websites in droves across standard hosting hardware while providing a hardened kernel for added security.

LiteSpeed Server & LSCache

For the fastest web server and page caching combo, choosing LiteSpeed with LSCache is a potent combination that gives WordPress hosting at KnownHost speeds that rival even the most expensive enterprise options anywhere in the world.

SSD RAID Storage

All WordPress hosting with KnownHost runs on solid state drives in a RAID configuration, enabling web servers to fetch and deliver web pages faster than other, older, technologies.


Take a company filled with technical experts and ask them to design and build a platform that will make WordPress sites secure, fast and well supported. That’s exactly how KnownHost approached it!

With dozens of security, speed and ease of use optimizations completed for each hosting account, customers can be assured that their sites will run fast, smooth and trouble-free.

3. Great Additions Included Free:


Top hosts choose Imunify360 because of the 6 layer, preemptive security that gives site owners everything they need in one package. It’s included with WordPress hosting at KnownHost.


For more technically savvy users, WP-CLI provides a command line interface for administering WordPress sites. It’s great when you’ve got multiple sites or just want to handle things like plugin updates remotely.


For WordPress developers, using Git gives version control for maintaining installations, adding or updating code and not having to worry about what to do if things go awry.


Administering the technical side of a WordPress installation from a remote location means using secured communication between the two points. If you’re a more advanced user and want SSH, you’ll be pleased to know that it’s included.


Transferring files to your WordPress site doesn’t mean logging in to a control panel and doing everything manually. With SFTP access, you can transfer files in bulk, securely.

Streamlined Control Panel

Site owners would often rather spend time administering their business or enjoying their personal life rather than trying to figure out how to handle technical matters via some complex control panel.

KnownHost are pleased to provide WordPress hosting clients with a streamlined control panel where common tasks can be done in seconds and without need for watching 20 minute videos explaining how to achieve results.

4. Automated

Get more done with technology and automation while making sure that critical tasks get done even when you’re not around. That’s the ideology behind KnownHost automation and WordPress hosting.

Fully Automated Backups

With 2 daily and 1 weekly backups being made fully automatically, site owners can roll-back changes to reverse the situation if things have gone wrong due to changes, deletions or overwrites.

WordPress Auto-Updated

WordPress installations are kept constantly up to date to protect your installation from exposure to hackers. Updates are fully automated without your intervention.

Server Auto-Updated

Server software is also kept up to date so that the operating system, CloudLinux environment and LiteSpeed software all stay fully patched and updated – again as a prudent security measure. Fully automatic and operational 24×7.

5. 30 Day 100% Guaranteed

A satisfaction guarantee is an absolute must if you’re to do business with a company handling something as important as your online presence.

Customers have a right to demand 30 day satisfaction guarantees, though they also have a responsibility to conduct due diligence before signing up (checking reviews and feedback across the internet).

6. On-Shore Support & Server Admin Teams

Companies touting support then sending calls to poorly trained staff who barely speak the language is no way to keep your WordPress-based site up and running smoothly.

KnownHost technical teams are based in Birmingham, Alabama. Staff are highly trained with ongoing skillbuilding to ensure customers get the best possible service and support. Managed server admin teams are also part of the Alabama tech center.

When WordPress Hosting is the Wrong Choice

There are times when WordPress hosting isn’t the perfect fit for a business. With shared hosting, reseller hosting, VPS, Cloud KVM and dedicated options available, there’s always a perfect solution – but WordPress isn’t always the answer.

Too Many Visitors per Month

WordPress hosting allows for 100,000 or 200,000 visitors per month. If your site has more visitors than this, then you shouldn’t choose WordPress hosting – it just won’t handle the volume. Instead, consider Professional Reseller for $14.97 a month or larger plan.

Too Many Domains

WordPress hosting allows for one domain per account. While you could sign up for multiple accounts, generally speaking, if you have multiple domains, you should consider Reseller Hosting or VPS Hosting to suit your needs.

Too Much Storage Required

With 50GB or 100GB of storage, WordPress plans have a lot of storage capacity, but there are times when it’s just not enough for some sites, particularly those who archive a lot of videos. Look to a Premium Reseller plan for $27.47 a month or larger to handle 200GB+ of storage.

If you’ve only got one site, then Professional Shared Hosting at $9.97 provides unlimited storage opportunities.

Need More than just WordPress

While perfectly suited for single domain installs of WordPress, there are times when you’d like to have a site that also includes a wiki, forum or ecommerce package (not just a plugin in your WordPress site).

In cases where you do need more than just WordPress, WordPress hosting isn’t the right answer.


WordPress hosting is the perfect option if you’ve got a single domain and can work well within the restrictions of 50GB/100GB storage and 100k/200k visitors per month, without need for any apps other than WordPress running on your account.

If you’re at all unsure about what plan is perfect for you, then contact the KnownHost sales team and they’ll discuss your needs before making a recommendation that’s tailored to your situation.

Call 1-866-332-9894, today!

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