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What is JetBackup?

JetBackup is a pioneer backup solution in the hosting industry for cPanel & DirectAdmin. Providing the ability to perform local and remote backups to various destinations quickly and efficiently. When it comes to data retention, you want to have a solution that gives the most configuration options possible. Don’t find yourself in a position without backups […]

What is CloudLinux?

You may have heard the term “CloudLinux” in a support ticket or in your own research into different webhosting related products and wondered what exactly is it? CloudLinux is a service that replaces your operating system. Essentially, CloudLinux becomes your new operating system. CloudLinux’s design to make shared web hosting environments more secure. It does […]

How to Install Python 3 on a VPS Server?

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Installing Python 3 on a VPS server is a relatively straightforward task that varies slightly based on the operating system behind the VPS. The steps below will assume you’ve logged in to a terminal session on the VPS. Let’s learn How to Install Python on a VPS Server? Step 1 : Update Your Packages Ubuntu/Debian […]

How to Manage VPS Settings

Within this article, we’ll be going over the different functionalities of the “Settings” area of your virtual server management portal. We will cover the following sections Changing the Hostname Changing the root password Adding SSH Keys Accessing VNC Console Accessing Serial Console Changing the Hostname All servers have a FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name) that is […]

Proactive Monitoring

KnownHost’s proactive monitoring is a service available to our Managed VPS, Cloud Hosting, NVMe Hosting, and Dedicated Servers. These are services where we will monitor your server’s services in detail and respond accordingly when something goes wrong – without you having to open a ticket. Managed VPS Managed Cloud Managed Dedicated Proactive Monitoring $9.95/mo $9.95/mo […]

MailChannels Email Delivery

You’re sending emails to important users or users that have subscribed to specific content, however you’re constantly being met with blacklists or bouncebacks for those necessary users, because of this your emails aren’t making it to their desired recipient. This could be due to specific users on your server sending the wrong kind of email […]

How to install an SSL Certificate on DirectAdmin

So, you’ve purchased an SSL Certificate and now you don’t know what to do? Don’t worry, we’re here to help! If you’ve purchased a standard DV certificate, an OV certificate or an EV Certificate, it doesn’t matter, no stress! We’ll help explain things to help make it easy for you to install your SSL certificate […]

Unlike its counterpart, DirectAdmin still requires some manual modification in order to adjust certain values outside of the DirectAdmin panel. This makes DirectAdmin require a bit more hands-on knowledge for those savvy with command lines and for those and those that aren’t — this article is to tell you what to change and how to […]