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How to review MailChannels Inbound Logs

So you’ve been using MailChannels and need to see if you’ve been missing emails. Or you need to see if they were delivered, rejected, bounced, or quarantined. To do this, you would need to check the MailChannels Inbound Logs which is accessible from the MailChannels Console within your portal. We’re going to show you […]

KH-Portal: MailChannels Overview

Now that you’ve signed up and have activated your KnownHost MailChannels Email Delivery service, you’re probably wondering how you can go about logging in, reviewing statistics, and other various functionality involved that comes with having the new MailChannels Service. We’ll be going over where these are and what they provide you in this overview. First […]

KnownHost offers the ability to allow for your unmanaged or managed VPS/Dedicated Server to have configurable options in regards to the licenses and services that we provide to our customers. All of this is handled through the My KnownHost Portal under your customers account. Adding services to your current existing KnownHost server is rather easy […]

MailChannels Email Delivery

You’re sending emails to important users or users that have subscribed to specific content, however you’re constantly being met with blacklists or bouncebacks for those necessary users, because of this your emails aren’t making it to their desired recipient. This could be due to specific users on your server sending the wrong kind of email […]