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Enabling DKIM with DirectAdmin

Category: DirectAdmin
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DKIM is a means of authentication using cryptographic techniques designed to combat email spoofing. A DKIM-enabled mail server will generate a hash of the email contents that it wants to sign, use its private key to encrypt it, and sign the outbound message with it. Remote servers receiving email from the DKIM-enabled mail server will […]

How to use DNS Zone Manager in WHM?

Category: cPanel
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You might have heard that DNS is a crucial aspect that helps resolve the IP address for domain names. cPanel/WHM has DNS Zone Manager through which you can manage the DNS Zones and their records from the WHM interface. In this article, we will learn about How to use DNS Zone Manager in WHM? 1. […]

Registering Nameservers (Glue Records)

Nameserver registration is required prior to nameservers being actually used. This is known as “Glue Records” as registering an IP to a specific nameserver/hostname tells the domain registrar where that nameserver should be looking to handle DNS requests. Here are some of the circumstances where new nameservers might be created: If you have recently migrated […]

How to configure custom TTL in WHM?

Category: cPanel
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Time To Live, i.e., TTL is configured time in seconds which decides the DNS cache expiry. For example, you have a domain, and A record TTL is configured as 14400 (14,400 seconds), it has an initial A Record Suppose you updated the A record for the domain name with Due to […]

How to configure MX record in the WHM?

Category: cPanel
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Email routing is mainly dependent on the MX records, which are configured for the domain name. WHM interface allows you to configure the custom MX records for any individual domain name. Moreover, you can modify the email routing configuration as well. Learn, How to configure MX record in the WHM? 1. First, login into WHM […]

How to delete a DNS Zone from WHM?

Category: cPanel
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Sometimes you might encounter an error “DNS entry already exists”, or you might have added the DNS zone manually using “Add a DNS Zone“, to resolve that issue, you need to remove/delete the DNS zone from the WHM server. Learn, How to delete a DNS Zone from WHM? 1. First, login into WHM panel, or https://IP-address: 2087 or https://server-hostname: 2087. […]

Once our support team migrates hosting accounts from a third-party service provider, you need to update the nameservers. Sometimes, the new hosting provider may lack some features, which might commerce consequences for the website. Best, what if we have a solution to check the website post-migration without updating nameservers or DNS? On every system, you […]

How to add DNS records and manage DNS in DirectAdmin?

DNS service is the critical element for the Internet, and it is responsible for propagating DNS records for communication between domain services and servers to get work done. We have many free DNS hosting available in the market where you only manage the DNS settings but the DirectAdmin control panel. You get many features, including […]

How to Track DNS in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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cPanel’s Track DNS network tool plays an excellent role in troubleshooting the network problems which might cause downtime for hosted websites. Using the network tool, you can look up any particular domain DNS and traceroute the network path of the server and the computer from which you are accessing the cPanel. 1. Log in to cPanel using Username & Password. i.e; ( […]

How to add DNS records in cPanel?

Category: cPanel
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DNS (Domain Name Service) is used to resolve the server address with the domain names. In this case, DNS has multiples A, TXT, MX, CNAME, etc record types. Every record type of DNS has independent work; for example, A record is used to resolves the server’s IP with the specified domain, MX record is used […]