Tag: shared

From hobbyists to multi-national e-commerce enterprises, every website owner cares about safety and security. Shared hosting and dedicated hosting are two ways to deploy a website. Among the two, which is the safer option? The answer rests with both the hosting provider and the customer. Shared Hosting: Low-Cost Simplicity Shared hosting is a popular way […]

Shared hosting and virtual private servers are among the world’s most popular ways to put a website in front of customers. Both methods can serve as the ideal hosting solution for different use cases. Understanding the virtues of both methods will help you deploy a website that offers your visitors top performance at any traffic […]

Eviction is a scary prospect, isn’t it? Now, wait, we’re not talking about losing your home or anything. That would be way too much of a downer. But, getting kicked off your server by your hosting company doesn’t feel great, either. This is a real risk you face if you’re on a shared hosting plan. […]

Launching an ecommerce site, while similar in many ways to other web endeavors, brings its own unique challenges and requirements. Your standard informational site has fairly easy content management and website hardware requirements are low in comparison to an ecommerce site which is much more resource hungry.   Depending on your level of expertise, you […]

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