Earn a 2nd Income with Yclas Classifieds Site

classifieds income

Updated April 12, 2019

Running a niche classified site can be a straightforward path to a recurring, passive, 2nd income.  Using Yclass software (installed with just one click), you can have a classified website or online bazaar up and running in minutes, all for under $5.00 a month.  The only part that needs a lot of work is the initial phase, where you are setting up the website – but that’s even easier when you’re using Yclas.

Yclas is a free open source PHP classified script that allows you to start a site and turn it into a completely customizable classified website in less than a minute. It is a marketplace as a service (MaaS), website creation platform that creates sites in seconds, all while letting you be as creative as you want; customize fields, modify texts, add users to help moderate the classified sire among other features. With Yclas, you can have your classifieds site up and running without worrying about hosting or technical issues. What’s more, you don’t need web development knowledge to create your site – the platform is user-friendly and covers all aspects you need to create a high-end website.

yclas logo

Yclas gives you access to a wide range of features designed specifically with classified sites in mind, so you can be confident that it has the necessary tools to take care of your day to day needs. The online platform is search engine optimized, has an easy-to-customize payment option and is translation ready. It’s also fully responsive and has a vast range of customizable templates to select from. The Yclas admin panel allows you to quickly and easily manage all your advertisements and keep tabs on all the things that are happening on your site.

Earn 2nd Income – Yclas

As stated earlier, Yclas includes a range of features to help you monetize your classified website. Below is a brief guide to some options that will let you start making money with your classifieds.  Remember, before setting up your Yclas site, pick a memorable domain name and get it registered! Staking out your ground is an important first step.

Pay to Post

With Yclas, it is possible to make your users pay to publish an ad on your site. All you have to do is navigate to the Admin Panel and select Settings > General. It’s here that you’ll get to decide how the ads will be published. Since you are interested in earning money, choose Payment On, so that whenever someone wants to post an ad, they will be prompted to pay. You also have the power to moderate the ads that become visible on your site and those that don’t, as well as the ads that should be paid for and those that are free. To differentiate between paid and free ads, go to Panel > Classifieds > Categories and select the ones that require payments and click Edit. You’ll also need to indicate the price for posting in the payment category.

making money online

Feature As – Bring to Top

Once you activate the pay to post option on your classifieds site, you’ll have users who want to have their advertisements featured or moved to the top – which is totally understandable. After all, here is where they get more views (and business). You can take advantage of that and have them pay some extra dollars for the privilege. To activate this option on Yclas, navigate to Panel > Settings > Payment, then turn on the Feature Ads option. You can even create Featured Plans to accommodate the needs of different users.   To activate the Bring to top Ad option, select the bringing an add to the top field and turn it on, then key in the price that clients will need to pay to have their listing come to the top. Note that you can charge a different price for both the “Bring to Top Ad Features” and “Featured Ads” than what you charge for the ads. To do this, go to Settings > Currency > Payment > Payment currency.


Consumer buying habits are inclining toward simpler and hassle-free experiences; it’s why you cannot underestimate the power of subscriptions. Luckily, Yclas provides a feature that lets you charge your users on a yearly, monthly, weekly and even daily basis for their posts. Subscription models offer an optimal balance of value to both you and your users. For your clients, the value lies in the convenience, and for you, the value is in your ability to predict revenue through recurring sales.

Commercial Banners

You can also earn income with your classifieds site by including business banners with ads. All you need to do is place an HTML code on your website. The Yclas widget allows you to put your banner on the site – just put the HTML code of your banner in the widget Text, and voila! Other than an HTML code, you can add the banners to the sidebar, header, footer or in a random position in the listings page as an Image.

classified ads


Yclas allows you to create a marketplace where you can get commissions from products sold on your classifieds site with Stripe Connect. With Stripe Connect, you’ll be able to charge your users an application fee depending on the sale they’ve made through your site – but both you and the client will need a Stripe Account. For instance, you set your website to receive a 3% commission for every sale made through your platform. Your user posts an ad selling his/her services for the value of $100. After he/she makes a sale, the user will get $97, and you will get 3% as commission in your Stripe Account.

Whether your site is large or small, KnownHost has a plan for you.  All of our plans include cPanel to make your site easier to manage.  When your site really picks up speed, then check out a virtual private server (either traditional or cloud) – it’ll have plenty of power for all but the absolute biggest online market sites.

Since you will be competing against a dozen other classified sites, it’s essential to promote your platform to attract more users, and consequently, make more income. Some of the best ways to promote your classified website include:

  •      • Social media marketing – by leveraging social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and so on to spread awareness
  •      • Media exposure – by placing your ads in the local newspaper or on TV
  •      • Interacting with potential returning users and giving them a personal touch
  •      • Use Yclas classifieds software – this offers a range of tools that you could use to sell your solutions without much effort – like the share widget.


You can start building a secondary income stream by investing a small amount of time and money to build a Yclas classified site of your own.  Target a niche, get ads flowing and start making more money.

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