Category: Security

Your server has a core system, known as kernel, that holds together all the other software running on that machine.  It must be updated regularly, which used to mean that your server needs rebooted frequently, to make those updates happen.  Those days of kernel update reboots are gone, thanks to KernelCare.  You can now maximize […]

Just like Halloween costumes that may have showed up on your doorstep this week, the top frights each year for system administrators are a combination of classics and newer threats. For the Halloween 2017 season, one of the scariest things in IT security is ransomware, whose attacks have increased in frequency, effectiveness, and in the […]

WordPress is the world’s leading content management system (CMS), and powers roughly 25 percent of all the websites on the internet, from personal blogs to Forbes and the BBC. It’s popular because of the combination of simple functionality and complex capabilities. Its widespread use is enabled by plugins, widgets and themes created by a robust […]

Unplanned outages cost the average data center $8851 per minute. That is an expensive minute. Given how huge that number already is, you don’t want the situation to become even more expensive because your customers don’t feel that they are in the loop. Acting quickly and getting out a careful, conscientious, and informative email to […]