Category: Internet

Updated October 27, 2020 Not all browser extensions are created equal thanks to differences between web browsers, their users and what’s trying to be accomplished. Those who can remember the days before Chrome web browser have seen first hand its meteoric rise from nowhere to dominating the market. Read on to find out what are […]

Updated August 15, 2020 A dedicated server CAN be better for SEO in a few select circumstances. Before going into exactly when that can happen, it’s important to first gain an understanding of the fundamentals. In other words, it’s important to know the ins and outs of dedicated hosting, who needs it, what is SEO […]

Updated August 12, 2020 Choosing a domain extension can be almost as difficult as choosing the domain name for your website, thanks to a myriad of choices and an ever-increasing number of available top-level domains (TLDs). It used to be the case that the company name was the biggest branding feature of a business, but […]