Category: Internet

Updated January 4, 2021 Keeping your website code clean doesn’t mean becoming a web developer and editing every line of HTML, CSS, JS (and more) line by line. Instead, it means making decisions about what to use, keeping things updated, regular housekeeping and taking responsibility for maintaining the state of your website, operating system, platform, […]

Updated December 16, 2020 A great Frequently Asked Questions page is much more than a laundry list of questions and answers. Creating an FAQ page means identifying the most important or frequently presented questions, giving an easy to digest answer and signposting where to go for more information, if required. Success comes down to presenting […]

Updated November 30, 2020 Broken links are an issue for website owners because they represent a bad user experience, negatively impact search engine rankings and generally indicate a lack of proper maintenance by site owners. There are three main ways of detecting broken links, varying by where the checking occurs. Site owners can:        –  […]