Don’t Know What to Blog About? Follow These 8 Simple Steps.

Updated May 27, 2020
One of the most difficult tasks of blogging and content marketing in general is finding what to blog about. In other words deciding about the topics of your articles and the actual blog post titles.
Below, you will find 8 helpful tips to achieve the perfect blog, everytime!
#1 Go Social
Social networks are loaded with content and all you have to do to get ideas is to go to twitter, linkedin, facebook or google plus and use their search function to find out what content is available for your chosen keywords. For example go to and search for the hastag #fitness. Then select NEWS from the LEFT menu; what you will end up with is a list of articles related to #fitness. Depending on your industry you can use the appropriate network. For example if you are more business oriented you can use linkedin, if you are targeting female population you can use pinterest, if you are into SEO and digital marketing you can use
#2 Find popular topics
Another similar way is to use tools like buzzsumo. Buzzsumo is a search engine that helps you find content that is popular in social networks. When you search for a keyword buzzsumo gives you a list of pages together with the total number of shares, likes, plus ones and pins they received. You can sort the results by network and also apply several filters to find different kind of content, over several time periods. Buzzsumo is free for individuals and paid for professionals and businesses.
#3 Look next door
It’s not a bad idea to take a look at what your competitors are doing and get some ideas. All you have to do is visit their blog and see the kind of topics they touch and the type of articles they create.
Tools like quicksprout can analyze a website and create a list of the most popular articles so that you know where to spend your time and creativity.
#4 Prepare your article titles in advance
That’s a very nice trick that worked for me very well over the years. When you start doing research for your blog topics don’t do one only and then write the blog post but try to create a plan with at least 10-12 titles. This way you are making a better use of your time while doing research and you have topics to write about when you feel like writing.
#5 Take a break
Writing is not an easy task. For most bloggers it’s the most painful task and that’s why it is better to take regular breaks from time to time. I don’t mean large breaks but taking three-four days without writing helps you to clean your mind and gives you more energy to write better blog posts.
#6 Choose topics and titles that you can write about
When doing your research to find out popular titles and topics, it is sometimes tricky because those topics can be difficult for you to write a quality blog post. In other words the fact that they are popular does not mean that they are also easy for everyone to write. Since you are making the decision on what to blog about, don’t put yourself in a difficult position but rather choose topics and titles that are interesting and easy for you to explain and blog about.
#7 Always think about the reader
At the end of the day a successful blog post is the one that is interesting and useful for the reader. Even if you use the techniques above or not, what is important is to create content that the reader will: (1) read (2) possibly engage by commenting (3) share is social media (4) come back for more (4) become a customer. What works for one industry and a particular blog may not work for your case so you need to think about your reader and adjust your titles and topics to match their interests and likes.
#8 Stop Procrastinating
I mentioned above that it’s good to take a break once in a while but that does not mean that you should use it as an excuse to stop blogging. If you use blogging to make money or promote your business online then you need content and this will not be produced by itself but it takes time and effort from your part to create content that will help you meet your goals. So, instead of constantly finding excuses, get to work and start crafting your next best blog post!
Blogging topics are easier to find than you think. Follow these 8 simple steps to help you achieve an impressive blog that will have an irresistible audience!
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