WordCamp Philly October 2018

Updated October 31, 2018
KnownHost proudly participated as sponsors, and by attending, the WordPress WordCamp Philly, October 27th and 28th, 2018. This update is courtesy of Mickey Trivett, the KnownHost Chief Happiness Officer.
WordCamp Philly 2018
So I am not going to lie, the first thing that I thought about when I found out that I was going to Philly was a Cheesesteak. Yea yea… I know this has nothing to do with hosting but I just couldn’t wait to eat an authentic cheesesteak. I will get back to that in a minute.
I flew in on Friday and took an Uber from Philadelphia International Airport to my hotel which was located in Philly city center. I was greeted with a smile which is always awesome and checked in upon arrival. I had a little time to kill before the Sponsor/Speaker dinner so I just relaxed as the plane ride had a bunch of turbulence on the way here. Around 6:00pm, I left to go to The City Tap where the dinner was hosted. I met some amazing people and had some great conversations. Did I mention this place had rooftop tables with fire in the middle! It was great!
The next morning, I ventured off to the WordCamp Venue held at the University of the Sciences Technology Center. My amazing Uber driver who is to remain unknown dropped me off three blocks from the building in the rain. I had no clue at the time but got a laugh out of it. I was like this would only happen to me. So here I am drenched walking into the venue to pick up my name badge and register. Upon registration, they give me the Official WordCamp Swag for the event, typically it is always a T-shirt or something similar, not this time though. It was an UMBRELLA, talk about Ironic. I chuckled and said I could have used this about five minutes ago!
I was honestly surprised at how many people were present at this WordCamp and the amount of sponsors. This is what the entire WordPress community is about, bringing people together and it was an awesome site.
We had an amazing keynote that was presented by Tracy Levesque and I couldn’t agree more with her statement “Operate from a place of FUN!”! It was such a great keynote.
After that the tracks on the schedule took place and I wandered around meeting up with new people and catching up with old friends and making new ones. For lunch we had hamburgers and hot dogs! To top it off we had BROWNIES! , I am not going to lie, I LOVED IT!

When lunch was over, the speaking tracks resumed and continued throughout the day. When the closing remarks were over, I took off with my good pals from CreateMyVoice.com Chip and Pam Edwards and headed to Pats Kings of Steaks for that INFAMOUS CHEESESTEAK from the originator of the CHEESESTEAKS. At the window, they greeted us with a PHILLY WELCOME and then saw my name badge and proceeded to sing the infamous Hey Mickey Song by Toni Basil. I laughed and ordered my food and let me tell you, IT WAS THE BEST CHEESESTEAK EVER! The atmosphere, the people and the history behind this establishment are awesome.

In conclusion, with my limited time of Philly, I learned a lot of new things from how much I really love cheesesteaks to how I can be a better person. This WordCamp Experience was excellent and was well organized from the beginning. I am honored that I get to attend WordCamps across the United States and represent KnownHost while establishing new meaningful relationships and nurture existing ones.
I truly feel as if I have one of the best jobs in the industry and love being the Chief Happiness Officer for KnownHost and supporting our WordPress Community.
The thing about all WordCamps is it doesn’t matter how new or old you are to WordPress Community, the people treat you like people and support you every step of the way. I love my WORDPRESS COMMUNITY and look forward to making new connections in the future while catching up with all of my old pals from prior WordCamps.
Well Done @WordCampPhilly, your message of LOVE and COMMUNITY was apparent and I can’t wait til’ next year!
~Mickey E. Trivett – Chief Happiness Officer at KnownHost, LLC.