6 Ways LinkedIn Can Expand Your Outreach

Updated October 7, 2019
LinkedIn is the ultimate professional network for anyone looking to connect with people in business. You can also use it to expand your business, which is what this article is going to dig into. When used right LinkedIn has the potential to completely revolutionize your growth rates.
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Begin By Streamlining Your Lead Generation Strategy
Getting in touch with businesses can be difficult. You might not always get in touch with the right people. LinkedIn offers you the ideal opportunity to contact the right people directly. You’ll never have to deal with getting through to a secretary or underling again. By contacting the right people directly you’ll be able to save time and a lot of headaches.
Time is Money
This strategy has the advantage of saving you a lot of time and money. You’ll spend less time talking to people who don’t make the decisions. Over time this can save you hours and hours of hard work. Don’t underestimate how much this can add up.
Benefit from the Advanced Search Feature
Finding your customer is the cornerstone of every successful business. LinkedIn makes it easy to find the right customers using the advanced search feature. You can filter people based on a range of demographics, including by industry, company size, and position.
You won’t have to manually look up people again.
The Premium Search Feature is Worth It
You should invest some money into LinkedIn so you can benefit from the premium advanced search feature. It comes with even more demographics so you can drill down into your audience. If you’re working in an extreme niche you should consider this feature essential.
Use it to Create Quality Connections
Anyone who’s spent enough time in the professional world is well aware of the importance of connections. They may not be useful now, but having a range of professionals in your circle could open up a whole range of possibilities later on. Start by using LinkedIn to connect with influential people right now.
More than Selling
Branch out from contacting people who you just want to sell to. The right professional on your side could lead to a range of opportunities.
For example, knowing an influencer in your industry could introduce you to a whole new audience. That could increase your revenue far beyond a direct sale in the long-term.
Get More Out of LinkedIn with Personal Messaging
Contacting people in general, should always be personal. Yet so many businesses never actually do this. They’ll send generic messages. The problem with this is the copy-paste style of messaging is easily spotted by people. It doesn’t take a great deal of effort to figure out whether a message is personal. The key to growing your business with LinkedIn is to use personal messaging.
How Personal?
Personal messages should be completely unique. Add in some information about the person you’re contacting, such as what you have in common and what drew you to them.
This is more effort, but it will benefit you going forward.
Be Forthright
One of the worst things you can do is to wait for someone to message you on LinkedIn. Be proactive in your messaging and contact people as soon as you add them. Unless someone specifically wants something from you, they’re not going to contact you. Force your way down the sales funnel.
Leaving contacts to go cold will only mean they forget about you when you eventually get in touch.
Look to Help People
LinkedIn is not just about making sales. It’s about helping people. Build up your reputation on the site by frequenting the forums and helping people. Don’t do this with any expectation of getting something in return. Do it just because you want to help.
Is this a Waste?
It’s far from a waste to do something like this. You won’t witness the benefits for a long time yet, but sooner or later you’ll find that contacts warm to you faster and connections will seek you out. This should be part of your long-term strategy for success.
Part of Your Online Reputation
Your activities in LinkedIn certainly aren’t confined to LinkedIn itself. It’s all part of your strategy to build up your online reputation as a whole. This is extremely powerful because it gives you an automatic advantage over your competitors. Your online reputation is what will help you to win sales going forward.
Conclusion – Making LinkedIn Work for You
LinkedIn is not just another marketplace for you to sell to. You should never use LinkedIn just for the purposes of seeking people out to sell to. Go out of your way to make real connections with people and you’ll be repaid for your efforts later on. How will you use LinkedIn today?
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