Tag: comments

Updated May 21, 2020 Having comments with attachments sounds amazing. After all, letting users submit content could greatly contribute to the discussion – much the way that some file sharing forums allow uploads in threaded discussions. But, this functionality doesnโ€™t come without risks and costs. Why are Comment Attachments Risky? The risk-factors of comment attachments […]

Updated May 13, 2020 What are the Benefits of Enabling WordPress Comments? Given the fact that WordPress comments are potentially a source of massive spam and require an investment of time and effort to manage on the part of site owners, there surely must be good reasons why site owners should enable comments in WordPress. […]

Updated October 30, 2019 The spam situation has gotten a lot better from where it was ten years ago. However, donโ€™t kid yourself into believing that this is a problem left behind. Itโ€™s a problem thatโ€™s very much with us today, and itโ€™s evolving. Most of us comment on blogs using our social media accounts. […]

Updated February 18, 2021 Content marketing has been one of the most important forms of digital marketing in the recent years, and blogs are particularly helpful in promoting a business. There are several things that can contribute to the success of a blog; the most important of course is the quality of the content. A […]

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