Category: News

In an era where digital immediacy is not just desired, but expected, website speed has become a pivotal factor regarding both user experience and customer satisfaction. As more businesses pivot towards a mobile-first approach, ensuring swift and seamless access to websites via mobile devices has become more crucial than ever. KnownHost embarked on an exploration, […]

Domains have become more than just web addresses, they allow one to enhance branding, facilitate digital identity, influence search engine ranking, and most relevant to this study, hold their own economic value. Utilizing prominent domain valuation tools like GoDaddy’s Domain Value Appraisal and SitePrice’s Domain Evaluator to determine the monetary worth of a domain, we […]

In the digital age, online shopping has revolutionized the way we buy products and services. However, this convenience comes at an environmental cost. As more consumers embrace the world of e-commerce, concerns about the carbon footprint associated with online shopping have gained traction. Wired has claimed these websites are killing the planet. To shed light […]