Wordpress sites and SuEXEC


Currently, my 'configure PHP and suEXEC' settings are the following:

Default PHP Version (.php files)5
PHP 5 Handlerdso
Apache suEXECon
Apache Ruid2off

If I leave the settings as they are, one of my clients WordPress sites does not self-update or allow for updates without the user to repeatedly having to enter their FTP info in the WordPress back end.

If I change PHP 5 Handler to 'suphp' , it fixes the above problem but then one of my clients site (who is using WordPress) gets a server error (500).

Any ideas anyone? KH Support quickly identified the problem, but I'm now looking for help finding a resolution to make both clients happy. :)
Ask support to swap your PHP handler to suPHP and run "the permission fixer script". This will make both clients happy as it will resolve both issues :)
Thanks Jonathan!! I sent a support request and of course the problem was solved in a snap. It ended up being a PHP version issue (between plugins and the newer PHP version running), as well as some other issues. In any event, all is well and clients are happy again thanks to KH support.