Currently, my 'configure PHP and suEXEC' settings are the following:
Default PHP Version (.php files)5
PHP 5 Handlerdso
Apache suEXECon
Apache Ruid2off
If I leave the settings as they are, one of my clients WordPress sites does not self-update or allow for updates without the user to repeatedly having to enter their FTP info in the WordPress back end.
If I change PHP 5 Handler to 'suphp' , it fixes the above problem but then one of my clients site (who is using WordPress) gets a server error (500).
Any ideas anyone? KH Support quickly identified the problem, but I'm now looking for help finding a resolution to make both clients happy.
Default PHP Version (.php files)5
PHP 5 Handlerdso
Apache suEXECon
Apache Ruid2off
If I leave the settings as they are, one of my clients WordPress sites does not self-update or allow for updates without the user to repeatedly having to enter their FTP info in the WordPress back end.
If I change PHP 5 Handler to 'suphp' , it fixes the above problem but then one of my clients site (who is using WordPress) gets a server error (500).
Any ideas anyone? KH Support quickly identified the problem, but I'm now looking for help finding a resolution to make both clients happy.