Overwrite php.ini


New Member
I need some help aka tips

We are on vps in the at server our php.ini location [1st php.ini]
Configuration File (php.ini) Path : /usr/local/Zend/etc/php.in

and another (for site)[2nd php.ini]

whenever we need to change anything we edit the 2nd php.ini , after edit the 2nd php.ini i found the main php.ini isnt overwritten..the old value still existing...new value yet not take any effect..

eaccelerator.shm_size : 24

i changed it to 32 6~7days agon. but still its 24.

So im really confuse & curious what to do now?

:) thnx to move all my threads...

can i hope answers plz?


We moved the threads to the appropriate sections. :) If you want answers from KnownHost it is best to open a support ticket. The forum isn't monitored for Support questions. We will check in but we try to keep the forum and our helpdesk seperate.

I guess you have phpsuexec enabled and put the php.ini into your account's home directory. If this is the case, the php.ini located in user's home will always have higher priority that system wide php.ini. If content of the system wide and user specific php.ini files is the same, then just kill php.ini from the /home/golponet/public_html/ directory and system wide one will be used by your php engine.

helo Paul,
thnx for ur reply.

plz have a look of phpinfo

can u suggest me a permanent solution....
no offence...we are verymuch confused...

If content of the system wide and user specific php.ini files is the same, then just kill php.ini from the /home/golponet/public_html/ directory and system wide one will be used by your php engine.
No..its not the same.. we have edit php.ini ,when we need..
Current setting in systemwide php.ini
eaccelerator.shm_size : 24

and account home
eaccelerator.shm_size : 32 [ i change it to 32]

but its not taking any effect at all..

any help plz