Please see below. If you need detailed answers support would be your best option. Thanks.
1. Can I somewhere see the list of kernel options? I'm for example interested if ppp modules are compiled so I could set up a VPN connection to/from my VPS?
--We don't allow VPN at this time.
2. What is really installed with on the VPS at the beginnig? Do you have somewhere the list of packages included in "out of box" install?
--This depends on the control panel. If none then basically LAMP. Linux, Apacge, MySQL, and PHP.
3. Are there any limits for the numbers of processes runnig? I do not want to overuse the server, but just want to know. For example running tomcat or java itself tends to create a lot of processes when you issue ps command.
--Please talk with support on this one once you signup. As you know Java eats resources so this we would never recommend on any of our smaller VPS's.