Try this...
In WHM go down to the DNS section and click "Edit DNS Zone" and then click the domain you want to add the record to off to the right. Then, of course, click edit to go to the zone page and scroll to the bottom.
Under the
Add New Entries Below this Line area, the first line should read like this once you've filled in the info.
{} {14400} {IN} {A} {IRC Port IP ex.}
Then go into the cPanel of and click the subdomains section then add the subdomain. Then setup a redirect for to point to "http://IpHereEx1.2.3.4

ORT#Examp.6667" and then wait a few minutes for good propagation, then visit the subdomain.
However, the subdomain thing is most likely not necessary at all. If you make it go to that IP on port 6667 then that would mean you have a webpage (assumably IRC Server info) hosted there. In this case, you would add a vhost entry (which I believe is restricted on resellers in the first place) for Once you add that first A record I mentioned in the top of this post, you should be able to connect to on port 6667 (or whatever your IRC port is) through your IRC client. Any more questions, just ask.