When you first enter a support ticket...


New Member
When you first enter a support ticket and click accept- every page on this next page sends a new support ticket. It looks exactly like the page that is there if you go back and check up on your support ticket- it's hard to explain. But, if I continually hit refresh a new support ticket sends.

So there should be a way to close your own tickets... I accidentally spammed the support desk about 4 times before realizing.
Hello RoganSarine,

I will have this looked at. Regarding closing tickets, this was supposed to be in the latest Kayako update but it was pulled for some reason from this release. We agree.

Regarding closing tickets, this was supposed to be in the latest Kayako update but it was pulled for some reason from this release.

Very interesting. I happened to be working on a demo account from kayako and although there seems to be no settings to activate it I was able to test as a "client" to close a ticket. Maybe they just released it? Check it out:


Login as test1@test.com
Pass: test

If you view the ticket there's an option to set it as closed. Weird how they dont mention it at all though(forums or elsewhere)....

I just found it.

They hid that feature within the Staff CP > Users > Manage Groups > (choose the group) > Enable "Can Change Ticket Properties"

They apparently just did not document it yet :confused:
Customer level ticket closure present in the list of features for the latest build which is already installed on support.knownhost.com. Sounds like part of this feature relies on interface templates, so I'll have to try to re-do interface customization. I wish this requirement will be documented anywhere...

I redid templates customization, ticket status change field is avialable now. Thanks for catching this.

I redid templates customization, ticket status change field is avialable now. Thanks for catching this.


Wonderful. No prob ;)

Just curious - whats the point of "on hold"?

Did you ever think of rewording the statuses to maybe "Waiting for staff reply", "Waiting for customer reply" or "Closed"...? Just an idea.