When to upgrade or do I need to?


New Member
I currently have the VPS XL plan with 256MB extra RAM.
I use WHM and CPanel, of course each of my clients have thier own cpanel.
Currently there are 23 accounts, most of them are personal web sites, but just about all have forums and photo albums (SMF and 4images). There are also a few business sites that are running auto dealer software and a couple Real Estate sites running Open Realty.
My busiest site is a pet site that has about 500 unique visitors a day. The rest of the sites average below 100 unique visitors a day.
The plan is handling all that fine with the exception of WHM or CPanel running sluggish at times.

Here is my delima though.
One of my long standing clients (Real Estate site running Open Realty) has recently bought the company he was working for. He has been so happy with how I built and handle/manage his site that he wants all "his" agents to come over to me. He wants them all to have their own domains with each of them running Open Realty. There are about 10 agents currently with plans on getting more.
Part of my problem is that I do not charge much money so Thrifty hardly makes a lot of profit. LOL! BUT, I am extremely worried that my current account will not be able to handle the extra influx of sites because he is going to start an advertising campain after I have them all set up.

What Plan would be able to handle all my current accounts and the incoming ones? Do I just need to purchase more RAM? Or do you recommend that I go to another plan?

Thanks, any advice would be helpful.
Is your current plan doing fine with what you have now?

Personally, if I was in that situation, I would definitely consider going a separate VPS just to handle the new accounts, depending on how much money you think you'll get to cover the hosting costs. Perhaps start with a smaller VPS to start with and take the first dozen sites that will be referred to you and go from there. You can then judge the income and the server usage based off of those first examples. As your needs change, keep growing from there. Hopefully, if your friend's advertising campaign is successful, you'll easily be able to counter any server costs that come up from the referrals.

Again, just my personal reasoning on that. As for what plan you should get, I'll leave that to those that know more than I do. :)
Here are my current stats. The highest I have ever seen the Memory Used part go is 40%.

Server Load0.07 (4 cpus)
Memory Used34.3 %
Swap Used0.00 %
Disk /dev/vzfs (/) 36 %

My current plan is doing fine. The only thing I ever notice is that at times just WHM or CPanel will be sluggish. But that may be Charter my ISP as at times it is sluggish. LOL!

I am just worried about the influx of new sites. I do not make enough money to get a separate VPS plan. Thank You for the suggestion.
Again, I'm not the expert here, but I would say you could host some of those sites on your current VPS without issue.

I am just worried about the influx of new sites. I do not make enough money to get a separate VPS plan.
But could you make enough from the new sites to do so? Thats what I intended. I was just thinking of the idea of a self-sufficient VPS: They pay you enough to cover/profit over the cost of the VPS. It all depends how many sites are coming in, though, I suppose.