I haven't been able to figure out how to stop the messages yet, but after doing alot of research online, I did find:
Talking about the same issue. It's suggested on that forum to edit the /etc/named.conf file under the "logging" section.
I'm going to keep looking, however, it's a relief to find out that these messages are actually coming from a CORRECT server configuration. I tend to make server configurations, incorrect most of the this is nice to hear.
Interesting, I've had all incoming tcp ports blocked to everyone but a few IPs for a long time now, the only incoming UDP port I allow is 53. Are the connections coming in on port 53 then? I only ask because the last time I blocked incoming udp port 53, it locked me out, even though I was using a whitelisted IP. Here's what I found on port 53:
TCP is used for "zone transfers" of full name record databases, while UDP is used for individual lookups. Security Concerns: Zone Transfers give away entire network maps; high value to attackers. – DNS (BIND) is a popular target, since DNS servers must exist, must be reachable, and exploits usually result DOS or root.
from this site:
They advise to keep your BIND patches up to date, and use split-DNS.
So back to the original discussion, my guess is, if its important to you not to fill your messages log with this type of entry, you should edit named.conf:
logging {
category lame-servers { null; };
and it won't post the entry anymore. However, I've decided I will probably leave these messages in there, that way, if my configuration ever stops working, I will know. Thanks for your help on this everyone.