View webalizer stats without login to cpanel


New Member
I am a webmaster and I am considering to buy the KHPro Shared Reseller Hosting
to manage my clients'sites who charged me for such a job.

WITHOUT enter into CPanel my clients only need these two services
in a fast and easy way.

1 WebMail
2 Statistics (with a password protection of course)

To explain better: I am using Plesk and the way is

1st linK: + login + password

2nd link: + login + passord

Regarding CPanel I found such a solution:

That is:
"Question: View webalizer stats without login to cpanel


cd /home/username/www
ln -s ../tmp/webalizer stats
chown username.username stats
cd ../tmp
chmod 755 ./
chmod 755 ./webalizer
will allow for viewing stats without logging in to cpanel"

How can I proceed with CPanel KH Pro?


(sorry for my poor english but i am not native)

Any help to me to proceed as i cannot understand how is the
complete procedure:confused:


What you will need to do is log int your server with an SSH Client
Get one here:

Once you log in follow the guide you posted.
Each line is what you will have to type in. Type one line at a time
cd /home/username/www
ln -s ../tmp/webalizer stats
chown username.username stats
cd ../tmp
chmod 755 ./
chmod 755 ./webalizer

(Where the username is, You would type in the name of the account you want enable public stats for.

What you will need to do is log int your server with an SSH Client
Get one here:

Once you log in follow the guide you posted.
Each line is what you will have to type in. Type one line at a time
cd /home/username/www
ln -s ../tmp/webalizer stats
chown username.username stats
cd ../tmp
chmod 755 ./
chmod 755 ./webalizer

Do the reseller accounts here come with shell access?
Didn't think so. The lack of shell access would make it hard for a reseller to log in and perform the suggested commands :)

Might wanna get a VPS then ;) Unless, Cpanel or WHM has some file manager that could replicate those commands. I dont use Cpanel so cant vouch for that.
Thanks for your kind replies but could be interesting to get a reply to ppc (perhaps by Knownhost too)


"...Unless, Cpanel or WHM has some file manager that could replicate those commands..."

If negative could be able Knownhost to make such a change and what could be the cost?

Matter is I am not able to manage a VPS at all so that I would like to buy the CPanel KH Pro but only if possible to get as above.
Such a matter is intersting many of my webmaster-friends too.

Hoping my english is clear enough.

Thank you

Unfortunately we do not offer SSH access on our shared/reseller plans and we do not have any intent to do so in the future.


it is clear there is no SSH access but my question WAS: Knownhost is able to do the job that is:

cd /home/username/www
ln -s ../tmp/webalizer stats
chown username.username stats
cd ../tmp
chmod 755 ./
chmod 755 ./webalizer


I would doubt KH would perform these steps as it would propably have to be server-wide.

FYI: I didint know much how to administer a VPS myself when I first started but Knownhost helped me all the way ;)

Thread moved to pre-sales.

Everyone sure messed the mark with their answers on this one. Is there an answer to this person's initial questions? The question was, and I am rewording it a little:

"Is there a way to provide customers the ability to view statistics without giving them the account password (cPanel access) to their account?"

I have the same question ... I would like some of my customers to see their site statistics as needed but I would rather not give them the kiys to the kingdom, to let them ruin their website/account accidentally because they do not know what they are doing.
What about a separate install of AWStats for the domains that wish to monitor?

I'm not even sure if that is possible.... just an idea.
SpotITC, just open a ticket requesting symlink creation for the specific account(s) and point to this thread as an example as of what you're looking for and this will be done for you.