
New Member

I have some WordPress sites with another host on a shared server. I noticed that you advertise WordPress hosting on your VPS offerings. Yet, I read on this site and on other web sources that SSD is faster and perhaps a better option. Is the VPS server good enough for WordPress?

If one did start with VPS, is it easy to move to SSD at some point in the future?

If most of my customers are on the east coast, would this be a consideration to stay with VPS since your NJ facility is closer than Texas where your SSD servers are located?

Yes, it's MORE than good enough, it ROCKS!

You would have to do a migration to another server so it'd be similar to moving to another host like you're planning to do now, but support is great and will assist you.

I'm east coast on the TX data center, you don't notice any lag or anything really so I wouldn't be concerned about that too much. SSD servers will process SQL queries faster and I would imagine if anything you may see them respond faster than the standard VPS servers.