Setting nameservers at GoDaddy


New Member
I read all articles in this forum about setting nameservers but still don't know how to configre it.

I received your e-mail with instructions:
Your first steps should be:
1) Create the two name servers at your registrar
2) Point your domain at them

I found this link in one topic
help DOT godaddy DOT com/topic/165/article/5057
(I can't post links for now :) )

What should I enter here:
Host Name ( The host name or domain the NS record is linked to.)
Points to Host Name (The nameservers you want to use to manage your domain.)
TTL (The time increment for which the server should cache the information.)

I understand that I can't erase GoDaddy nameservers in total DNS control and that I should just add my own nameservers and then point to them in "Name servers" section?

Can I just point FTP and www to my server IP address?
In that case would vistitors see full address e.g. mydomainDOTcom/folder1/folder2 or they see IP/folder1/folder2? (is that something like redirection)
GoDaddy have good domain control panel (at least for me) and so far I never had problems with nameservers and stuff. I want to test your service and want to have flexibility to change where domain is hosted.

How can I access my pages uploaded to VPS before nameservers and domain are not set-up?
I suppose I can make FTP connection through IP too?


OK. I found this
forums DOT

I'll continue on my own.

I must say configuring all this things is really time consuming and what is bigger problem very complex.
Now I read how to transfer second domain and I am thinking to give up this thing.
I have 30 domains on GoDaddy and about 10 active sites but to activate one domain on VPS is so demanding.
I know this is not KnownHos issue. I just wih there was a manually for dummies in one place.

For example:
"First, be sure to log into WHM and walk through the initial configuration. If you registered a domain with Knownhost this will probably be at least partially done for you."
I am transfering domain.What should I do in this case?

"Be sure to create A records for the host and for your nameservers. Leave the resolvers at the default as they are preconfigured."
What should I enter for A records?
It seems to me the only solution is to pay to someone to prepare server.
Can you provide a service to:
- setup transfer for one domain
- setup things for FTP and e-mail account (records and stuff)
- create FTP account
- set-up things for MySQL if something needs to be done before database is created