RAM Required For DA + SpamAssassin


New Member
I'm looking at setting up SpamAssassin on my VPS. I currently have 128mb RAM. Will DiractAdmin + SpamAssassin (running with Exim) run okay with this, or will I need to add more RAM?


SpamAssassin is pretty resource intensive and will require about 50-60+ MB of memory to run. It might be a good idea to consider upgrading to VPS-L if you'd like to run SA
I'm looking at setting up SpamAssassin on my VPS. I currently have 128mb RAM. Will DiractAdmin + SpamAssassin (running with Exim) run okay with this, or will I need to add more RAM?


I ran the VPS-M with DA and SA in the beginning while I was getting my feet wet. It seemed to do ok, but my domains are pretty low traffic. Since I have added a couple of domains, I've upgraded to the VPS-L.