I recently purchased a simple little PHP Events Calendar program. The install program instructions are very minimal but instructs to up load a directory as well as a file.php. No suggestions as to permissions etc. It has an install handler. I create the MySql as needed and when I run the install handler, I get a warning msg i.e. that the installation failed. I contacted Support who suggested that the php needs to be updated to SuPHP. While I would like to install this little program, I do not want to do it at the expense of making a BIG Boo Boo and causing myself bunches of problems so I closed the support ticket and elected to leave well enough alone at that point. I would like to install this program if possible. I would like some real world advice as to whether having Support make the php change is something I should consider or should I simply let the sleeping dog alone and forgo the little Events Calendar? Thanks in advance for your response and advice.