I did send up a support ticket, but wanted to mention it here in case the powers that be don't see my ticket.
How many people would know what this means:
It really shouldn't be that difficult for an account holder to change information, especially payment type or numbers, etc. This is the first time I have ever run into anything like this. It stressed me because this has been a difficult month, payday was today and my bill is due tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm sure billing will help me out, but no one should have to go through all that just to change payment methods. And if there was a phone number to call to pay that way, the number should have been available on the billing site (if it was, I didn't see it).
Thanks. Other than that, I am very pleased with the hosting, service and support. Ever'one's been just swell.
How many people would know what this means:
I just wanted to pay my bill with a credit card instead of PayPal this time, but when I clicked the link to change my credit card info, I got that bit of mysterious information. There was nothing else I could do.[warning] Your Billing Method must first be changed to 'CC Batch'.
It really shouldn't be that difficult for an account holder to change information, especially payment type or numbers, etc. This is the first time I have ever run into anything like this. It stressed me because this has been a difficult month, payday was today and my bill is due tomorrow.
Anyway, I'm sure billing will help me out, but no one should have to go through all that just to change payment methods. And if there was a phone number to call to pay that way, the number should have been available on the billing site (if it was, I didn't see it).
Thanks. Other than that, I am very pleased with the hosting, service and support. Ever'one's been just swell.