


I'm looking to migrate to a VPS. How easy is it to move my site over from media temple's grid server?

Thanks for your interest in KnownHost. We can perform full migration for you as long as the control panels match. Please let us know if you have any further questions.


Unfortunately we would not be able to help with migration then. I am not sure if this control panel has a backup button of some sort but you may be able to manually move all the information over this way. Our support team might be able to point you in the right direction but I can't guarantee anything. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

How much data do you currently have at MT? If it is under 2GB you should be able to use their backup function to generate a tar.gz of all of your websites. Then, you should download this file and upload your data to your new FTP(s) at KH.

Then, you can use phpmyadmin to restore any MySQL databases, or do it via shell (google for the command).

Recreate any e-mail accounts, make sure your sub domains are in-tact, etc. It shouldn't be too hard to get this done, would take the day at most depending on how much data you've got, probably only a few hrs.