Media Wiki and email lists?


New Member
I am in the process of forming a small speech/debate club.

My online needs would consist of a small static web page for public club information, some type of email list capability and a private wiki (media wiki) for research collaboration. The size of the club should be between 10-20 famlies.

I made a rookie mistake and selected a provider based on a "top 10" list. With only my family using the wiki, it has gone down twice already with a "max_questions" exceeded error message. With horrible visions about my site going down the night before a tournament, I have decided to look for another host.

Having done my homework the second time around, I have encountered many positive reviews about Knownhost.

Is my expectation to host this with a basic web hosting account out of line? Does knownhost have any type of email list management? (I would like the students to be able to send/reply to a club email list).

Thank you in advance,
