Knownhost's VPS Security?


New Member

what types of security measures has knownhost taken to protect the clients?

great if answers to the following can be provided

1) is the /tmp secured?
2) is mounted noexec outside the vz filesystem allowed?
3) is there a firewall installed?
4) is Rkhunter installed?
5) is Mod_Security installed?
6) is non-root access to unsafe binaries disabled?


#1 and #2 are not provided at this time;
#3 - yes, iptables with all available modules is active. Firewall rules can be managed either manually or with some tools like APF;
#4 - depends on control panel. Install by default on Plesk VPSs;
#5 - #6 not done by default, can be done either manually or through the web interface depending on control panel. I.e. both things can be done in just a couple clicks if you have cPanel/WHM VPS.

#4 - depends on control panel. Install by default on Plesk VPSs;
#5 - #6 not done by default, can be done either manually or through the web interface depending on control panel. I.e. both things can be done in just a couple clicks if you have cPanel/WHM VPS.

Both my VPS' are cPanel/WHM - should I be doing what is suggested in points 4, 5 and 6 ?

Also, can you provide a short summary on each, what they do and how to install them.

This, in general, depends on your own preferences. All these things are optional and the only position that might be more or less useful is mod_security but this will add some load to your system and every single http request will be parsed by mod_security to attempt to match it against the blocking rules.
