Since a WHM update (11.38 I believe) I had been getting an error when rebuilding httpd.conf or restarting apache regarding my server's hostname:
Well I Googled the error again today and came across a post on cPanels forum that said to run the Change Hostname wizard in WHM again and that I didn't even need to change the name so I did. But now it seems to have gotten even worse!
Once that happened I tried changing the hostname to something else then changing it back. Same thing. I also tried rebuilding the httpd.conf using /scripts/buildhttpdconf which also had no effect.
Has anyone else seen this and/or have any suggestions?
info [apache_conf_distiller] Missing owner for domain hostname.com, force lookup to root
Well I Googled the error again today and came across a post on cPanels forum that said to run the Change Hostname wizard in WHM again and that I didn't even need to change the name so I did. But now it seems to have gotten even worse!
info [build_apache_conf] Missing IP for domain hostname.com, using
info [build_apache_conf] Missing ServerName for domain hostname.com, using hostname.com
info [build_apache_conf] Missing port for domain hostname.com, using 80
info [build_apache_conf] Missing user for domain hostname.com, using nobody
info [build_apache_conf] Missing owner for domain hostname.com, force lookup to root
info [build_apache_conf] Missing group for domain hostname.com, using nobody
Once that happened I tried changing the hostname to something else then changing it back. Same thing. I also tried rebuilding the httpd.conf using /scripts/buildhttpdconf which also had no effect.
Has anyone else seen this and/or have any suggestions?