Installing mod_pagespeed mod_deflate


New Member
First of all, hi to all, this is my first post as a KH user.
I was already reading a lots of posts about securing my first vps (Dan, thanks man!).

So I have few question for vps users..

1. I noticed that mod_deflate is not activated by default? I'm trying to use gzip compression from htaccess by "AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html"

2. Is phpinfo() turned off by default? I get
"Warning: phpinfo() has been disabled for security reasons in /home/******/public_html/phpinfo.php on line 2"
I run one site on php/mysql, and all is fine, so I think is something with security but can't find it in whm.

3. Anybody tried installing mod_pagespeed from google, pros/cons?

Thank you
Hello Davor and welcome to KH! :D

1. I noticed that mod_deflate is not activated by default? I'm trying to use gzip compression from htaccess by "AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html"
You can enable mod_deflate using Easy Apache in WHM.

3. Anybody tried installing mod_pagespeed from google, pros/cons?

I have not used mod_pagespeed and cPanel does not support it in Easy Apache yet. Here is the thread on it on cPanel's forum though :)
Hey Dan

Well I contacted support before doing anything, and they advised me to not enable gzip compression due high cpu use. For now, I have few static sites, one WP and one EE, and they are really fast, so I'm tracking load and everything is really good even without compression..

so, for now, I will avoid using it, and later if there is a need I will enable it.

are you using mod_deflate on your packages?
