Initial DNS setup help


New Member
Hi all,

I have looked over many of the posts in this forum which does seem to be great but a combination of different people's situations and my lack of knowledge has confused me.

What I am trying to achieve.

I currently purchase domains through Namecheap (for .coms) and 123-Reg (for's).

When I setup the VPS I chose to point one of my domains to the server rather than register a new one or transfer one

i.e. I will use My Existing Domain and update My Nameservers only.

I only want to point my clients domains to my server. Most of them use a CMS to update their sites and don't need any access or services other than email.

I seem to have a problem with my DNS settings as I received an email from my server (how nice!), that: resolves to . When it should resolve to my Primary IP.

Firstly I need to sort this out. I logged into WHM:

Main >> DNS Functions >> Edit DNS Zone
and selected the one zone in their (

[Broken External Image]:

Is this all correct?

Now as I add new domains which I think is done under:
Main >> Account Functions >> Create a New Account

Do I need to ad a DNS zone ect. personaly I thought WHM managed that. Then I would log into cPanel with the username and password setup in the above section and add email addresses, ftp access etc.

Would I need to go to my domain registrar to set the MX settings or do I simply point the domain to my nameservers?

Are there any other things I need to consider when running my VPS in this way?