How to migrate to CentOS 5.x


New Member

Can you give me the quick path to migrate to Cent OS 5.x?
Is the simplest method just to backup it all, then reinstall VPS and then set it up again using conf files and content from backup?

Hello Bartprokop,

In a VPS you don't have access to the main OS on the machine and you cannot upgrade it.

Far as I know new VPSs being sold are provisioned with CentOS 5 so if you need it that is probably the way to go.

Hope that helps
I was told that only way to upgrade is to purchase a new account and then move all your stuff then close your first account
In a VPS you don't have access to the main OS on the machine and you cannot upgrade it.

The VPS's kernel cannot be upgraded(or touched) by a user. However, the OS of the specific VE(Virtual Environment) can be upgraded.

Create a ticket to receive the specific steps involved. I'm pretty sure it does require one to purchase a new VPS and migrate.