I just bought sometime yesterday a standard VPS plan + cpanel here at KnownHost, today contact details with my logins arrived, apparently I also needed to create a primary and secondary nameserver (ip included) for my primary domain. Had no idea how to do that, so I email knowhost, they were fast with their support and said I had to create my nameserver at my register, or in my case Godaddy. Checked their FAQ and Help, eventually found some info on how to actually create a nameserver, but the info is outdated from before their ajax interface update and can't manage to make my nameservers. In the help it states I have to hit HOSTING SUMMARY, but there isn't such a category in the whole godaddy cpanel. I've called them, but I've been put on hold, this is really crappy. Can anyone help me with a step by step guide ? Much appreciate it, thanks in advance.
Regards, Tibi Puiu
ZME Media
Regards, Tibi Puiu
ZME Media