You can unblock your port number 80 by following the below steps
Step 1: Login into the WHM panel of your
Linux hosting
Step 2: Search and click on the option ConfigServer Security & Firewall.
Step 3:.In ConfigServer Security & Firewall>>Click on the Firewall Configuration button>> IPv4 Port Settings section
Step 4:In IPv4 Port settings edit the fields Allow incoming TCP ports and Allow outgoing TCP ports.
Step 5: save the changes made and restart the server by clicking on Restart csf+lfd.
If you have SSH access you can unblock using SSH by following the below steps:
Step 1: Login to the SSH of your server
Step 2: Open the configuration file of the CSF “vi /etc/csf/csf.conf”
Step 3: Add the ports to the csf.conf file, either under Allow incoming ports (Allow incoming TCP ports TCP_IN) or Allow outgoing ports(Allow outgoing TCP ports TCP_OUT):
Step 4: Restart the CSF using the below command
csf -r