Twitchin Kitten
New Member
I am getting deluged with ridiculous spam emails from "myself" with zip attachments which are titled things like "FILE04508" or "document748574758" or "images" anything that they think are going to pique my interest and have me open these letting loose some kind of virus or Trojan into my system or worse, the server. I've had a few of those hosting with another company where hidden files were unleashed once I connected via FTP. I was using Windows at that time and have since switched to Apple products, but we all know they're not invincible. Better, just not invincible.
Anwyay, if I look at the full headers we know they come from Indonesia or some Middle Eastern den of spammers.
What I want to know is how can they spoof my email address so it looks like I'm emailing myself with this garbage? Pretty sure they know full well if I mark that as "SPAM" I'm also marking myself as a spammer, which I was told not to mark these as SPAM by the friend I have managing the server for me.
Does anyone know the process they use and is there a way to prevent this?
Anwyay, if I look at the full headers we know they come from Indonesia or some Middle Eastern den of spammers.
What I want to know is how can they spoof my email address so it looks like I'm emailing myself with this garbage? Pretty sure they know full well if I mark that as "SPAM" I'm also marking myself as a spammer, which I was told not to mark these as SPAM by the friend I have managing the server for me.
Does anyone know the process they use and is there a way to prevent this?
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