FTP Question


New Member
I have a dumb question for ya.

How can access the root files via FTP?

For example, I wanted to FTP in and grab the php.ini file so I could make a few edits and then dump it back up to the server. I needed to get to the usr/local/ directory, but couldn't get high enough.

I wound up accessing the file through VZZP, but was wondering if this possible via FTP. I use FlashFXP if that matters.

The application you use has no bearing on what you're allowed to see. Login as root and you'll have root access regardless of the software involved. SFTP would be a much better idea, however.

Everyone suggestions here are correct. The reason khiltd suggested using the SFTP protocol is because it is run on a secure channel where it encrypts both commands and data.

Hmm, i didnt know you could do this with any old FTP program.. Ive always used WinSCP because i thought i had to.
That is not correct. By default the root user cannot log in using FTP. You have to use SFTP or SCP for security reasons.
That is not correct. By default the root user cannot log in using FTP. You have to use SFTP or SCP for security reasons.

I honestly don't think I've ever even tried it, but good to know.

Jleagle said:
Hmm, i didnt know you could do this with any old FTP program.. Ive always used WinSCP because i thought i had to.

If there were anything magical about that client those of us who don't use Windows would certainly be out in the cold.
I've the same question.
I'm using Fillezilla.
I tried to set it up on filezilla by using these parameters:

Host: my primary ip address
Port: 2200
Server type: FSTP using SSH2

User: root
Password: **********

Here's the log:
Status: Connecting to ...
Status: Connected with, initializing SFTP connection...
Command: CONNECT root@
Response: Fatal: Unable to authenticate
Status: Connecting to

asiandvdcovers.com? You might want to re-read the acceptable use policy before your account gets terminated since I'm 99% sure you don't have the legal right to reproduce or distribute any of that stuff:

Knownhost AUP said:
Material Protected by Copyright

You may not publish, distribute, or otherwise copy in any manner any music, software, art, or other work protected by copyright law unless:

you have been expressly authorized by the owner of the copyright for the work to copy the work in that manner;
you are otherwise permitted by established United States copyright law to copy the work in that manner.
KnownHost will terminate the service of repeat copyright infringers.
That is my IP. I did manage to connect using WinSCP using the same parameter.
How am I connected to this website :confused:
We are a company based in Paris and there is no where we would like to be connected to these websites....
I just ran a tracert on the IP listed and it resolved to a different address than the one you listed Khiltd.

Although, naichunlei, you may want to put an index file or disallow directory browsing as I get a directory of your root folder when I pull up the site ;)
Well then perhaps a fluctuating DNS record is responsible for the problem, because I get:

Non-authoritative answer:       name = host.asiandvdcovers.com.

Authoritative answers can be found from:
28.249.72.in-addr.arpa  nameserver = ns2.khnoc.net.
28.249.72.in-addr.arpa  nameserver = ns1.khnoc.net.
ns1.khnoc.net   internet address =
ns2.khnoc.net   internet address =

Is this a new account that was just recently setup in the past day or so?
Well then perhaps a fluctuating DNS record is responsible for the problem, because I get:

Non-authoritative answer:       name = host.asiandvdcovers.com.
Authoritative answers can be found from:
28.249.72.in-addr.arpa  nameserver = ns2.khnoc.net.
28.249.72.in-addr.arpa  nameserver = ns1.khnoc.net.
ns1.khnoc.net   internet address =
ns2.khnoc.net   internet address =

Is this a new account that was just recently setup in the past day or so?

This is what I get. It must have been a cached record as KH Paul pointed out.

Non-authoritative answer:       name = host.omonsite.com.
Authoritative answers can be found from:
28.249.72.in-addr.arpa  nameserver = ns1.khnoc.net.
28.249.72.in-addr.arpa  nameserver = ns2.khnoc.net.
ns1.khnoc.net   internet address =
ns2.khnoc.net   internet address =


Are you still experiencing this issue?
