cPanel Backups to Amazon Drive (not S3)


Are you talking about ? If so its possible to backup your VPS as a whole with rclone. The only way I could see backing up cPanel backups is if you set it to generate one on your VPS itself which would require you to have the storage to do so on your VPS and set it to backup that directory.


Are you talking about ? If so its possible to backup your VPS as a whole with rclone. The only way I could see backing up cPanel backups is if you set it to generate one on your VPS itself which would require you to have the storage to do so on your VPS and set it to backup that directory.


Thanks. I'll take a look at rclone. Would that be installed on the server? I have the space to store backups on the server currently, so I guess I could set it up to store all cpanel backups into the same directory and then use rclone to backup everything in that directory? Just want to make sure I understand you correctly.

I just thought someone may have done a script for this purpose. I have uncapped storage on Amazon cloud drive, so I thought it would be an option.
Not uploading to the Amazon drive, but to S3 - maybe possible to adjust upload routine...

I wrote my own little script to do account (not system) backups and upload to S3. They run via the root crontab and can handle daily, weekly and snapshots with different retention periods. I needed not only full backups, but (for cost and bandwidth reasons) also incrementals with different retention periods - downside is that it is not cpanel integrated and requires some script updating, and it is not 100% perfect yet (e.g. e-mail notifications are missing), but it is free :)
Feel free to download here and use/share as you like
Put both files in a /home/tools directory and adjust both and the crontab as needed.