Concerned about security


New Member
I am so accustomed to being in a completely managed environment and am getting concerned about my VPS being vulnerable to - well anyone with bad intentions.

Is there a service that you guys offer (paid is perfectly fine) where you can go in and just make sure my VPS is as secure as it possibly can be. I know that nothing is 100% secure and many times it's the installed applications that are the culprit.

I am completely new to the VPS world and am really starting to get the feeling that I might have jumped in to quick.

Thanks for your help!

You can submit a support ticket and request to check / update standard OS and control panel applications in your VPS. There is no charge associated with this service as this is the part of our semi-managed offering. We definitely can't go through every php, cgi, mod_perl, etc script to check them for possible security holes but we for sure can help with standard system updates.
The only thing to note is that there is a limited timeframe when global OS updates can be applied (i.e. update from CentOS 4.3 to 4.4) as we don't do this during business hours (to avoid taking resources from actual hosting services during rush time) and we don't do this during night time as quite good amount of resources is taken by nightly backups which are running with lowest priority but still taking good amount of disk I/O and CPU resources.
The perfect time to update OS-related applications is either evening on business days or day/evening time on weekends.
