centos 6 with x windows system


New Member
Can some one explain when installing a gui/vnc/gnome what ever you want to call it WHY does it kill your outbound internet? For example I can vnc or SSH in but if i'm at the command line ping google.com will not work, I get unknown host google.com. I can't yum install anything, I can't use firefox etc. HOW DO I GET MY INTERNET CONNECTION BACK?

Can you ping IPs? Such as ping (google's dns server)
You may need to configure a DNS server in your network settings.
I can ping but can't ping websites.

You may need to configure a DNS server in your network settings. ----> HOW?
When the vps is first created everything works fine. Once I put the GUI on I like to know WHY IT HAS TO DESTROY THE INTERNET CONNECTION OR WHAT CAUSES THE CONNECTION TO DIE. I have spent ages to get the answer on this. I like to know what i am doing wrong? It's very very frustrating just trying to do one simple little thing.
We don't recommend or really support installing X and a DM on a VPS. It's surprisingly resource intensive and almost always results in an abuse ticket. Something as simple as FireFox can be quite RAM intensive and run you into corruption issues for other servers getting killed due to lack of RAM before you know it.

As for your actual technical question, installing a GUI should have no effect on networking.
Sounds like one of the tools you have installed might have changed the /etc/resolv.conf file. You can just reboot your VPS to reset content this file back to its original state. If you don't what to reboot something like following should help:

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
Sounds like one of the tools you have installed might have changed the /etc/resolv.conf file. You can just reboot your VPS to reset content this file back to its original state. If you don't what to reboot something like following should help:

echo "nameserver" > /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf
echo "nameserver" >> /etc/resolv.conf

here is what or at least what I think is correct way of doing this... I have tested this on another VPS the gui works but the internet connect, outbound does not aka can't ping domain names only ip addresses.

sudo yum groupinstall Desktop
sudo yum install tigervnc-server
sudo yum install xorg-x11-fonts-Type1

configure VNC

nano .vnc/xstartup
#twm &
exec gnome-session &

after everything is working I can still ping domain names, yum updates etc. Reboot there goes the internet connection.

Is there a better way to load the gui? I tried previous solution and nothing and still no internet connection.
I finally figured it out. When you install
sudo yum groupinstall Desktop

it turns on a network manager and everytime the system is rebooted it rewrites the /etc/resolv.conf file.

service NetworkManager stop
chkconfig --level 12345 NetworkManager off

seems to fix that problem only took me a year to figure that out.

as for the "abuse" issue the GUI it self does not take up much cpu power. Running/installing/updating/compiling cpanel sucks up more cpu power. I've seen my averages go into 5.5 range on that. Even running shoutcast servers don't even take up that. But running browsers (which i don't understand why you would) is CPU intensive.

Speaking of cpanel can some one explain why it is a memory hog? For example if I'm in the GUI my memory gets eaten up very fast. After a while it will go down to a degree but not to where it's supposed to be at a reasonable level.