Best way to migrate?


New Member
So far I've migrated a few sites over using cpanel's import utility. Everthing has gone great, but we have had a few permission issues.

The next site to move is fairly complex, a few few different apps, multiple tables and dbs. Lots of custom permissions and a secure server. Am I better off installing from a backup or using cpanel's import utility?

you using cpanel? i backup my server from the account i want to migrate from using cpanel backup untitly (full backup)

then upload the file it creates to your new server copy it to /home directory..and use whm to restore it.typing the account name it was previously was at the source server.
this is very interesting: backup with cpanel. can someone please explain in more details how it is done or point to a document on knownhost documentation section?

I am moving sites using WHM's transfer function: "Copy an account from another server with account password" and I often have troubles even with small sites.

One commom problem I have is that sometimes databases do not copy and the default package that the account is assigned is "moved". this account has no databases allowed. I was wondering weather someone has any idea how can I fix this problem.

this is very interesting: backup with cpanel. can someone please explain in more details how it is done or point to a document on knownhost documentation section?

I am moving sites using WHM's transfer function: "Copy an account from another server with account password" and I often have troubles even with small sites.

One commom problem I have is that sometimes databases do not copy and the default package that the account is assigned is "moved". this account has no databases allowed. I was wondering weather someone has any idea how can I fix this problem.

look around your cpanel (source cpanel) for the backup link...i use rv skins so it easier for me to find it:)

but if you find it. after you click on it, look for this

Generate/Download a Full Backup

then when that is generate download your comp then you can use it to restore your account in your new server

or you can try use the configure backup daily backup method

to restore to your new server
in your root whm look for..

Restore a Full Backup/cpmove file
(havn;t tried use this with the daily backup file)
(but works ok with the first method)