3x WHM VPS + Growing
Does awstats come with WHM/cPanel VPS ? When I check "Stats Log Configuration" it mentions awstats long with webalizer and and analog but they all have a red cross. When I check in "Web/FTP Stats" webalizer is there bit no awstats.
Also, I have a couple of hosting customers asking me how can they tell what real hits they have had on their sites. Is there an easy way to view this figure as I am assuming that the large number of hits includes bots and crawlers ?
Sydney, Australia
Does awstats come with WHM/cPanel VPS ? When I check "Stats Log Configuration" it mentions awstats long with webalizer and and analog but they all have a red cross. When I check in "Web/FTP Stats" webalizer is there bit no awstats.
Also, I have a couple of hosting customers asking me how can they tell what real hits they have had on their sites. Is there an easy way to view this figure as I am assuming that the large number of hits includes bots and crawlers ?
Sydney, Australia