Anyone Installed Laravel on his server ?


New Member
Recently i installed laravel in my server and encountered some kind of session problem.
So did some scenario test, but i still dont know the source of this problem(the knownhost support also not sure which one), some friends say it was server fault. Then i did test with a fresh laravel installation on different server in knownhost whose my friend.
And found the same problem. Is anyone here ever installed laravel in knownhost server ? If so, could you pls send me your php/server configuration. I need the conf for the further debug, and pass it to the knownhost support for some assistan.

thank you.
No, but are you getting any errors that we could see? Maybe we could help with those.

The problem came from auth::attempt laravel method, when the method fired, all session gone, but when I comment the auth::attempt all session remain exist. I just not sure which php extensions is used/required.


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Could you show me how to install Laravel to my VPS hosting step by step? Because no support from customer service. Thank you